
Jim Hall, founder and President of Halltech Systems, started manually fabricating after market Corvette CAI's in his California garage in 1999. It didn't take long for the Corvette community to hear his name and to respect his work. He quickly became the industry expert in cold air intakes, and Halltech Systems became the obvious leader in the industry. Since that time Halltech has developed both carbon fiber and polymer cold air intakes for the C5, C6, and C7 model Corvettes. It didn't take long for the copy-cats to enter the space, but Halltech continues to lead the pack in quality and performance. The C8 cold air intake is currently underway. Medical reasons found Halltech relocating to Wisconsin in 2003. The move proved to be very beneficial as it landed Halltech nearer other industry leaders in the Midwest. Halltech's reputation soon found international accolades and was being sold all over the Middle East and Europe. Steady year-over-year growth led to the purchase of a much larger production facility in 2015. To facilitate more rapid growth, and allow Halltech Systems to focus more on development, Halltech started working with world-class fulfillment centers in late 2019. And in early 2021, Halltech again relocated, this time to Idaho, and this time for family-related reasons. In January 2020, Jim welcomed Dru Laws to the team as the company CEO. Dru received his BSc in Mechanical Engineering from BYU, and an MSc in Polymer Engineering from QUB. He is an expert in manufacturing operations and plastics processing. From it's humble beginnings along the Pacific Coast, to its impressive growth in the Midwest, and now settled in along the Rocky Mountains, Halltech Systems remains the industry leader in aftermarket cold air Corvette intakes across North America and around the globe. It's not a proper Corvette until it's a Halltech Corvette!